Hope you had a great Easter. We did indeed. The girls and I are excited about this week and wanted to update you on our project and share some timely prayer requests.

Josh Burg, our builder, has moved our project along much quicker than anyone expected. Within the first week he built the stairs into the attic. Before we knew it, he had finished all of the framing, the new roof, and it was ready for mechanical work and then insulation. At one point, the work was going so smoothly and quickly, we thought we'd probably have Emily's grandmother Oli, who is visiting from Oklahoma this week, as our first guest. She is still coming to Atlanta this week but she won't be staying in the attic addition.
The slow down started when we came to our first round of inspections. We passed the plumbing inspection first try. The electrical inspector passed us second pass. The framing and insulation inspecition looked good at first too. But when he came back for the final insulation inspection he did not sign off. He said we failed to seal off some holes. We looked, and double sealed every penetration we could find. The inspector came pack and failed us again for the same thing. Josh looked over the whole job, resealing even the tiniest openings. Finally, the third time the inspector came, Emily was at home.
The inspector told Emily that he was surprized we had called him again without fixing the problem. Some holes that we had made for wiring in the new ceiling had not been sealed with fire rated caulk. We had been looking in the floor. The inspector was sympathetic to our situation and signed our permit 0n condition that we would send picutres of these holes sealed. They say "the Devil is in the details." Emily and I recently had a theological conversation about that statement and we've been reading C.S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters. Emily asked whether it made more sense that the Devil would be more in the big things, the motivations, and our relationships than in the details? He probably looks for opportunities wherever he can find them. At this point we are glad this detail has been taken care and we can move forward with the project.
We are now in a bit of a cruch to finish the project. We are scheduled to leave May 18th to serve on Campus Crusade's Miami Summer Project. Here are some specific ways you can pray for our project this week:
- For efficient and successful work for Josh and his crew this week. They hope to see the sheetrock hung and finished this week.
- For the final permit we need for the deck and balcony that were added to the project.
- For the final funding we need for this project, our summer missions assigment, and family expenses this year. We are sending some letters for support this week.
- For my fraternity house Bible study (just two more weeks) and my completing the work required for my graduation from seminary.
Thanks for praying for us. This is going to be a big week.