Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lights On!

One of the ways we decided to keep the project affordable was to work with my father, Sam, to do our own electrical work. My Dad is semi-retired electrical contractor with the experience of lighting up everything from the laser show at Stone Mountain to the Great Gasp at Six Flags over Georgia. Needless to say, he is overqualified for wiring our attic addition. Working with him has brought back memories of my summers as an electrician's helper in high school and college. I was reminded of what is really rewarding in electrical work.

One of the more challenging parts of our project is taking out the old wiring. In a house that's 85 years old, you never know who did what to which wall, in which decade. Carefully fishing all the old wires out and painstakingly pushing all the new wires in is tedious.

But then comes the pay-off. You run the wires, wire the fixtures, and make up the switch. You flip the switch. The lights come on! You hope. (Fortunately Dad is an expert and everything has gone smoothly thus far!)

We pray that college students at Georgia Tech will have the same "lights on" experience. The Lord has called us to the sometimes tedious work of laying down our lives for the students by serving them, answering their questions, feeding them, giving them rides to church, praying for them.....the list goes on. Our prayer is that "God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,'" will make his light shine in their hearts to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." 2 Corinthians 4:6 (pronouns and tense changed for application)

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